




林肯纪念堂 University follows the Centers for Disease Control (CDC’s) Respiratory Virus Guidance (2024年3月1日更新). 


Employee positive form must be filled out at http://lincolnmemorialuniversity.formstack.com/forms/covid_form.  Either a positive test from a doctor’s office or a photo of a positive home test, displayed with employee badge must be uploaded.

 If you are symptomatic (ill) with a suspected viral infection such as 新型冠状病毒肺炎:

  • Seek medical attention if your symptoms are severe.
  • 在家隔离,直到:
    • 你的症状改善了
    • You are fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications.
  • Once fever-free for 24 hours (without the use of medications) with symptom improvement, you may return to school/work provided you take 额外的预防措施:
  • 其他预防措施包括:
    • 戴口罩五天 or
    • distance yourself from others for five days.


  • 疫苗是 强烈建议 for all students, faculty 和 staff. 接种疫苗 remain the single best defense against 新型冠状病毒肺炎 和 are available for free at the local health department. 
  • LMU正在询问学生, faculty 和 staff to self-report vaccine status through WebAdvisor (See self-reporting below)


  • Optional for all members of the LMU community regardless of vaccination status
  • Optional in all clinical 和 laboratory (including anatomy) settings, regardless of immune status.


  • 教师/staff can require visitors to their office to wear a mask.
  • 教师 cannot require students to wear a mask in the classroom (except clinical/lab settings as described above).
  • Social distancing in classrooms is encouraged where feasible.


  • The University is following CDC guidance on international travel. Travelers must complete an informed consent form (available on the left navigation) prior to international travel.
  • 截至6月12日, 2022, CDC will no longer require air passengers traveling from a foreign country to the United States to show a negative 新型冠状病毒肺炎 viral test or documentation of recovery from 新型冠状病毒肺炎 before they board their flight.

Please be reminded that all members of the LMU community are expected to stay home when sick 和 to report illness to their supervisor or Dean.  Proper h和 hygiene 和 discretion in social settings will continue to limit the spread of 新型冠状病毒肺炎.  All members of the community are expected to abide by the University policies 和 to continue to assist with contact tracing in the event of a known 新型冠状病毒肺炎 exposure.

Thank you for your commitment to the safety of the LMU community.  



In order to prevent the infection 和 spread of 新型冠状病毒肺炎 和 other influenza-like illnesses, students should follow the recommendations of the CDC for best hygiene practices. Those recommendations are attached 和 are being posted across campus, 在校外的教学场所, 和 electronically through the website, MyLMU, 和 on building television monitors. Please follow these recommendations. Because 新型冠状病毒肺炎 can live on surfaces, 即使只有很短的时间, students should avoid touching their eyes, 鼻子, 或者用没洗手的嘴. LMU’s custodial staff is taking extra precautions to routinely disinfect surfaces.

In addition to following best hygiene practices, students are asked not to attend class or other LMU functions if they have a fever or flu-like symptoms, especially a fever with shortness of breath, 快速的呼吸, 和咳嗽. Students are encouraged to seek medical treatment either at the 学生健康中心 or other medical clinic. If a student needs to miss class because of a fever or flu-like symptoms, the student must notify each professor as soon as possible. Professors have been instructed to provide continuity of instruction to those students who are temporarily unable to attend class for illness. Students remain responsible for all work missed. 

The 学生健康中心 is monitoring the number of student incidents of flu-like illnesses to assist administration in determining the impact to the LMU community. All students are asked to notify the 学生健康中心 if they are experiencing flu-like symptoms or have been diag鼻子d with the flu or 新型冠状病毒肺炎 by another medical provider. Notifying the 学生健康中心 will enable LMU to monitor infection rates on campus 和 respond accordingly.


电话:423.869.6249电子邮件: 斯蒂芬妮.beckett@greenlifeideas.com

LMU is ready to assist you in your academic journey!